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Sneaky thoughts
Sneaky thoughts are thoughts that “sound nice” and seem innocent, but truly are not. They’re different for everyone, and so you’re going...
Sticky thoughts
Did you know that humans have somewhere between 50,000-80,000 thoughts a DAY? That’s a lot of thoughts. I like to categorize thoughts...
Primary pain vs. Secondary pain
My daughter was scootering around outside, fell off the scooter, and skinned her knee. There were the expected tears, the wiping off of...
Here's the scary thing I did
I read a quote once that said: When it comes to changing your life, if you’re not scared, you’re doing something wrong. It got me...
How to radically improve any relationship
In the past week or so, I've had around 5 relationship conversations with various people (friends, clients, acquaintances), and it really...
Getting through Grief
Recently, I went through a loss and experienced some intense grief. I want to share that with you because I know that grief is a human...
Are you tired and exhausted?
I was recently coached on this specific topic, and I’ll share the outcome of that coaching session with you here. It might unnerve you....
How to stop worrying:
I've got news for you: You can't control your past. You can't control your future. (I know, I'm sorry. I promise if there was a way to,...
What's important now?
en sharing testimonials of my clients, I use the terminology of a CLIENT WIN. When speaking to my clients on the phone, I do the same...
Reducing Overwhelm
What emotion do you feel the most often? From my clients and the moms I talk to, I think the #1 emotion that we coach through is...
What do you want to give your kids?
A few days ago, my coach said a beautiful line that I've believed and lived by for the past six years. She said: The greatest gift you...
What you think you don't have
Ever have these thoughts? I don't have the time. I don't have the energy. I don't have the money. Or whatever else it could be that you...
Emotional Warrior
I love the idea of being an emotional warrior. I've been doing a lot of my own work around this. If you've watched my two-part training...
How to get more done:
This month, I’ve been working really powerfully and intentionally on upping my productivity. I’m having lots of fun with it, asking...
Hard can be beautiful
“Woah, 4 kids?!? Isn’t that hard?” I get this comment a lot from people. “Yep—but hard doesn’t mean bad,” I often quip back. Somehow in...
What’s your first thought when you look at this picture? There’s a lot to choose from: It could be “Looks like a lot of shoes,” “Why is...
What's Your Before And After?
Recently, I’ve been seeing so many BEFORE and AFTER posts and pics floating through my social media. Seems like a fad for people to post...
How To Take Charge Of Your Life
Here's a thought that popped into my head today that sort of blew my own mind. 🎇 🎆🔥 If you want to take charge of your life, you first...
Mom Trends
In the past few weeks, I’ve been having lots of different consult calls and coaching calls with a wide variety of women and moms. And...
Living with Integrity
I’ve been tossing around this idea of living with integrity a lot lately, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts around it with you....
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