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What if you could take the stress and overwhelm out of motherhood, and actually enjoy your kids?

The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe Membership will help you do exactly that. You will go from overwhelmed and stressed to calm, confident, and present.


Here's what you get when you join 
The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe:

✓ An entire MOM VAULT on demand - recorded videos, trainings, worksheets, and eBooks

✓ Weekly LIVE Group Teaching & Coaching calls

✓ WhatsApp Community

✓ The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Workbook to go along with the coaching (PDF in the Mom Vault)

✓ Plus …. All the ideas I have brewing to keep adding to this experience.

Calm and Confident Mom Workbook Mockup

Get this BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE workbook! 

ALL for $597/year (less than $50 a month)

“I’m not frazzled anymore. I don’t subscribe to or allow overwhelm. It’s just so unnecessary. And I realized how much I was creating it with my thoughts.” 

— Raizy Metzger

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Let’s be real. 
Being a mom is both the most phenomenal role in the world…. And HARD WORK.

And at times it can be overwhelming.

Especially if you're going at it alone.


Nobody to turn to for advice, for guidance, for feedback on ideas or even just confirmation that you're on track.


Or maybe you do have people to turn to, but it’s not the same as having a COMMUNITY of growth-oriented, motivated, like-minded moms, navigating marriages, relationships, and parenting TOGETHER.

Imagine being surrounded by like-minded people, all working together to make their mom-life as awesome as possible.

That support can be the difference between feeling like a success or a failure.


As can having a huge toolbox to lean on, that eliminates the guesswork about what you should (and should NOT) be focusing on as you go through the journey of marriage ups and downs, parenting at all stages, and still honoring yourself in the process of all the giving you do.


It's that combination of supportive community and practical tools that makes The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe the best resource for anyone serious about continuous growth, and mental and emotional hygiene.


It’s packed with in-depth, practical training and resources - PLUS the community support you need to help you ensure that your goals reach their full potential.

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Your Relationship with Yourself

Imagine having such a fantastic relationship with yourself that you're practically your own best friend. Imagine having such a filled up cup, and such strong self-confidence, that you can't help but show up as the best version of yourself in the world. That's what awaits you. And it feels amazing.

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Your Relationship with Your Spouse

Connection. Communication.
Compassionate caring.
A strong marriage spills over into your household, your kids, your work, and is the foundation for all of it.

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Your Relationship with Your Kid(s)

Mothering often comes with guilt and fear and shame and blame. Or sometimes confusion and "I don't know how" and "I might be doing this wrong." Let's untangle all of that so you can shine in the world's most glorious role.

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Coach Yourself to Grow

To keep your three life pillars strong, you will want to have a squeaky clean brain to go along with it. How is that achieved? By continuing to coach yourself consistently. Learning this skill will set you up for maximum success.

There is no other room like this that exists...
Chabad Moms bettering themselves, their lives, their families, their mission, and their Shlichus.

What's on the inside:

An entire MOM VAULT on demand - recorded videos, trainings, worksheets, and eBooks - Sometimes, we're just so motivated and pumped to get our own self-growth on the fast track lane, that we don't want to wait for a scheduled call. We want to dive in to all the goodness already available, consume at our own pace, and apply at our pace. The MOM VAULT will do exactly that for you. And new content will be constantly added.

Weekly LIVE Group Teaching & Coaching calls - Every week, we'll meet on Zoom. The recordings will all be uploaded to the Mom Vault, so no worries if you can't make it to the LIVE calls. These calls are designed to be the highlight of your week - both useful and fun. We'll start off with 15-20 minutes of teaching, following by the opportunity for coaching. You  can get coached, you will learn from the coaching of the other group members and you will think about your life more powerfully than ever before.
Hearing someone else get coached and go through their own thought process about what is happening in their life can give you new insights you might never have considered for your own. This is one of the most transformative elements of being in a group coaching program. Watching the REPLAYS can be just as transformative. 

WhatsApp Community - Community is what sets this group coaching program apart. You will have your built in support system and cheering squad as you start implementing these life-changing concepts. 

The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Workbook - This is a BRAND NEW 220 page workbook that I created exclusively for this membership program with tools, exercises, and room for notes. 

Plus …. All the ideas I have brewing to keep adding to this experience.

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You feel like, "life is crazy" and you can't get ahead.


You're always thinking of the next thing.  

When you're with your kids you're thinking of your to do list, and work stuff, and when you're working you're thinking you should be with your kids.  

It makes you feel like you're never enough.  

You're hard on yourself.  

You feel like nothing is getting 100% of you.  

You feel like you're spread too thin and everyone (husband, kids, home, work) is missing out.  

And YOU'RE missing out - you come last and taking care of yourself doesn't become a priority. It feels selfish and trivial.  

And how could you when there are so many other demands on your time and attention?  

Sometimes you feel helpless, and just say, "This is life. Mommyhood is crazy. It's always going to be this way."  

And I want to tell you that it absolutely doesn't have to be.  

You can feel calm and confident and in control and present. You can feel like everyone is getting exactly what they're supposed to - the best of you. You can feel like you have plenty of time to do the things that are important to you.   


I want ALL moms to know deep in their bones that they don’t have to live stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious-ridden, frazzled lives. There’s another way.

It’s OKAY to be calm. If you’re used to stress, you might not know what to do with calm. It can take getting used to, but I give you permission.

And when we step into that way - the way of BEING where we’re calm, and we’re confident in who we are and how we show up, and we’re grounded, present, and content - magic happens. (Of course, this isn’t ALL OF THE TIME, that’s not life or realistic. You will always be human. BUT when your default is this way, and the other times are “when life happens” you’re on the right track.)

There are ripple effects of living this way. I think about my kids and the kind of mother they experience. The role modeling they see. By osmosis, THIS is how you instill confidence and resilience in your kids.

I want my daughters to know how fulfilled a mother can be. What calm looks like when there’s enough help, and rest, and self-appreciation. And they’ll pass that on to their families.

Making these changes affects generations. Generational change, especially if this isn’t what you experienced growing up, takes effort, but the result is profound.

Introducing the ALL NEW MEMBERSHIP

The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe

The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe is a yearly membership program that will utterly change the relationship you have with yourself, the way you show up in your marriage, the way you parent, and your ability to coach yourself through anything.

Over the course of the year you will learn how to....

Have a solid relationship with yourself
♡ Be more present with your kids
♡ Reduce stress and overwhelm
♡ Connect and communicate better in your marriage
♡ Handle your emotions instead of take them out on everyone around you
♡ Coach yourself through anything
♡ ... and so much more!

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"I love Adina’s work and it was not a question as to who I would work with when I decided that this is what I needed.

Now, I am very aware of my thoughts and how much they impact how I am feeling and how I show up. I catch myself thinking things that in the past would have taken me down the rabbit hole of negative feelings. 

At the same time, I am much more generous with myself in feeling whatever I need to feel, and giving myself the space to process when necessary. I recognize that my relationships with people are in my control and are not “because of” their behaviors/actions/words, but about how I choose to think about them and come into it."

— Musia Baumgarten.

In case you're new to my work ....

Hi, I'm Adina.

I'm a Shlucha. A Life Coach. A mother of 6, k"ah. 

When I had 3 kids under 3, I felt like I was drowning, and couldn't get ahead. I was stressed out and resentful. I bathed in a pool of self-loathing. I definitely was not enjoying the little brachos I was entrusted with. 

I had hit my version of rock bottom and it was time to change things.

I hired my own coach. I worked on myself from the inside out. 

 And I now love myself AND my mom life.

​I have broken a multi-generational chain of low self-confidence.

I don’t indulge in thoughts of “not good enough.”

I don’t compare.

I don’t define myself by the state of my house, or by anything materialistic.

I don’t fall into resentment, or stress, or overwhelm.

I know what my needs are and unapologetically meet those needs. I fill my own cup so that I have so much to give. I love exactly who I am, and always want to be working on myself and evolving into the next best version of myself.

… AND I'm totally OK with failure. And with feeling negative emotion. None of the above happens all of the time, because that's not real life, and that's OK. I know what to do with unwanted thoughts and unwanted emotions when they come up.

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Fast forward 6 years, and a fire was lit in my belly. I knew I had to help other moms. So I became a coach. And since then, I have been coaching moms through all the struggles.

No one should have to do it alone. 

We could ALL benefit from the tools, that no one ever taught us, to get from stressed and overwhelmed, to calm and in control. 

Yes, you are. Because you're here. If you've read this far, then this group is definitely calling to you. Let's get started.

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Let me guess...


You’ve made it down here because you’re not quite sure whether The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe is the right fit for you.

That’s a great thing to get clarity on before you join. I’m here for you! So let me help you out.

The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe IS the right fit for you even if…

You already feel calm and confident (trust me, there is so much more than that in this program)

You’re not overwhelmed or stressed, but you still want to uplevel your life

There are problems that you don't really talk about and you want it to be better but you don’t know what to do next

There’s a part of you that’s still wondering if this program will really help you (it absolutely will!)

You’re simply excited to gain coaching tools and insight into all areas of your life

You’re thinking, “oh dear, I have so much more than what a simple mindset shift can fix”

You’re worried that joining will mean that you have problems, but overall you think you’re pretty okay (listen, we could ALL use coaching, no matter where we’re at in life)

"I have a much better understanding of how my brain works. Change is possible. I have improved relationships, emotional maturity, and powerful practical tools."

- Sheva Sputz

  • How much is the investment?
    It's $497 a year. You can cancel anytime, but you will always have access for the full year from when your payment is made.
  • What happens if I can't make it to a LIVE call?
    All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the Member Mom Vault. You can gain SO MUCH from watching Coaching Replays.
  • If I can't be on video, can I still join?
    You can join the calls with your video off, but if you want to participate, get coached, or asked questions, I do ask that your video be on.
  • How much time should I schedule for this?
    YOU get to choose. You can watch and consume and apply on your own time. You can join in on the LIVE calls and actively participate. You can do your own self-coaching and workbook exercises... or you can choose not to and still gain tremendously.
  • Will I really benefit from a Membership Group Format? Maybe I need 1:1 Coaching?
    Here’s what I absolutely love about doing this work in a community of like-minded moms - we learn so much from watching others get coached. Plus, sometimes we don’t even realize we’re dealing with something until someone else brings it up. There’s also the added bonus of “realizing you’re not alone” when you do this work together with other moms. But, hey, if a group format isn’t for you, we can definitely talk about 1:1 coaching. I’d say, give this a try first and you can always do 1:1 coaching afterward (or simultaneously)
  • My problems feel so big and I’m worried the other women in the group will judge me when I ask questions or raise my hand for coaching.
    I always prioritize creating a judgement-free zone where you feel safe to share your challenges without any filter, and receiving coaching on anything. Everything you share in the group is about helping you grow — but every one else will ALSO learn from what you personally receive coaching on (yes, even if you think your question or struggle is unique). While your situation may seem insurmountable to you, to your colleagues in the program it’s just another life problem, just like theirs.
  • What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Will we dig into my past in this program?
    Ok, honestly, I think both are awesome. I think any form of self-help is amazing. And yes, I get it that there are people who have had bad experiences with either one, but hey, there're incredible and terrible professionals in every industry. So I always say, find the person that YOU connect with and can help YOU get the results you want. I know, that didn't answer your question about the difference, so here's a very over-generalized difference: Therapy - tends to focus on the past, and how you got to where you are today based on your past. It's about healing past pain. Therapy's expertise is in mental health issues and it's kind of like a doctor-patient relationship. Coaching - is very future-focused. It's about where are you now, where do you want to be, and let's get you there. It's less about dealing with an acute mental health challenge and more about someone who is seeking change or tools to better the place that they're in. The coach/client relationship is seen as equals.
  • Does it matter how much I participate?
    You’re welcome to be a silent observer, but I do encourage you to ask questions, and ask for coaching. Here’s your opportunity to show up for yourself.

Still have questions that weren’t answered? 
Let’s hop on a 15 minute call and make sure this is the right fit for you.

Email me at to set something up.

Questions answered and ready to apply?

Join The Calm & Confident Chabad Mom Tribe - a yearly membership group program. 
(less than $50 a month)

©2024 Adina Landa. All Rights Reserved.

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